who we are background image
who we are background image

Who we are

The NSWA+ is a fully digital solution designed to streamline international trade procedures in Lao PDR. It connects public and private trade stakeholders involved in import, export, and transit through a centralized online portal and streamlines information and document exchange, clearance, permits, and payments, fostering a robust and efficient trade ecosystem.

Our benefit

NSWA+ plays a pivotal role in streamlining the daily workflows of government agencies, customs officers, economic operators, and shipping agents for all trade formalities.

For government agencies

For government agencies

compliance with trade rules, improved resource allocation, better trade statistics, increased revenue and transparency between Economic operators & Government sectors. 

 For economic operators

For economic operators

can benefit from faster customs clearance processes, lower operating costs, and enhanced workflow clarity and predictability.

For customs officials

For customs officials

improved staff productivity, enhanced professionalism, and improved cooperation across multiple administrative units.

For the economy as a whole

For the economy as a whole

greatly improves transparency, refines governance processes, and significantly reduces corrupt activities.

Our Mission

Our Mission

NSWA+ aims to improve the efficiency of goods circulation, reduce trade capital, and enhance the competitiveness of Lao PDR. This system also aims to make a significant contribution towards the nation's overall socioeconomic development and facilitate seamless integration into the ASEAN single window.

Our Origin

The NSWA+ system is a government initiative aimed at digitalizing customs procedures, driven by the overarching objective of replacing traditional paper-based customs operations with electronic processes.

The system has been developed in accordance with the government's guidance and policies on international economic integration, and meets the Lao Government's commitments confirmed in the 2015 Agreement on the Establishment and Implementation of the ASEAN Single Window.

Furthermore, NSWA+ adheres to Official Agreement No. 2109/MOF on the Implementation and Activities of the Development and Operation of the Lao National Single Window System, which the Ministry of Finance released in April 2015. Since its deployment in 2020, the system's scope has steadily expanded, demonstrating its dynamic and growing character.

Our Partnership

The NSWA+ system is operated through a joint venture agreement involving BIVAC Lao Co., ltd (a private company under AIF Group) and the Lao PDR Ministry of Finance. The system plays a pivotal role in promoting cross-border trade by establishing proper procedures while enhancing the government's tax collection capabilities at key international borders and airports. The collaboration between the Government and BIVAC ensures the Single Window's efficient work and the achievement of agreed-upon objectives.

Our Partnership

Our Rebranding

The system, formerly known as the Lao National Single Window (LNSW), underwent significant enhancements, including the successful integration of the Asycuda system features. Economic operators and shipping agents now benefit from a truly single window experience, enabling the seamless capture of the ASEAN Customs Declaration Document (ACDD) directly within NSWA+, eliminating the need for separate log-ins to ASYCUDA.

To help communicate this recent innovation to its users, the company completed its new visual identity, leading to its current identity as "NSWA+" or "National Single Window A+."

our milestone on May 02, 2023

May 02, 2023

Ministry of Finance Announces NSWA+ System Transaction Fee Update to 291,000 LAK

The Project Governance & Structure

The Minister of Finance has appointed an organizational structure for activities linked to the Lao National Single Window System, which consists of the Steering Committee, the Supporting Committee, the Developer of the NSWA+ system, and the Managing and Administrative Organization of NSWA+.

The Steering committee

The members of the steering committee for the development, implementation, and operation of the NSWA+ consist of



Minister of Finance



Director General of Customs Department



Representative from related sectors

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